Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Prescot to Red Rocks Sedona to Flagstaff!

Hello world!
   Today... there was a mountain. 
   We done biked that mountain!
   Yesterday... there was a mountain.
   We done biked that mountain... and then some...

Yesterday started on a bike in Prescoot Prescot Prescotter I don't care how you say it we started in White Spar campground in Prescot National Forest just south of Prescot. We rolled through Prescot and then got on a highway that we were supposed to be on but it seemed a bit dangerous with the on and off ramps and speeding semis on both sides of us. After we got off the semi interstate highway thing we started a climb up Mingus Mountain. ( reference to little giants). The climb was fun and  we had just got into Coconino National Forest. We rode through twisty turny steep mountain roads and . The views were outrageous and led splendor to our eyes. Once at 7100 feet we started to descend only to be met with one more small climb. At the top of this climb we stopped to talk to a couple of bikers from British Columbia. They had already talked to Kate so they knew what we were doing but they were still excited to meet us and here the story from us. From that point we descended 2000 feet into the mountainside town of Jerome. On the way we were treated to jaw dropping views of what was to come. The Red Rocks of Sedona Arizona. Nate had been waiting the whole trip to see this and he was not disappointed. We caught a glimpse through a narrow valley "only for a moment and the moments gone." (Dust In the Wind reference). Jerome was a sweet little town that sat on the edge of the mountain and had awe inspiring views of the desert red rocks below. We then descended down to around 3000 feet and got hit by the hot wind of the desert. We decided to keep biking because the next day involved a 40 mile climb up to Flagstaff. We biked to Red Rocks State Park where there was no overnight camping so we dropped some of our stuff off and headed in the car to Flagstaff to drop Alex off at the train station. 
   Alex, with good intentions at heart, set out on this bike journey in hopes of reaching the Atlantic like the rest of us. Yet, upon biking into the mountains his body had failed him. He couldn't summon up the leg power or mental energy that it takes to be able to climb mountains daily. It was sad to see him go and that we had lost one biker. Hopefully, out of the three left none of us drop out!
   After dropping Alex off at the train station in Flag, we set out to find a campsite for the night. We cruised back half down the mountain toward Sedona and stopped at a campground, only to find that there is free camping 5 miles back up ahead without amenities. Well, Lets go free! So we stopped off at this gate and slept in nice field with Ponderosa pines tickling the skyline.
   Today started off just before Sedona in Lower Red Rock State Park. It was a whole day of climbing back up to Flagstaff, the toughest climbing west of the Mississippi river! Did I neglect to mention the most beautiful climbing to date? We started with a hardy pace up to Slide Rock! WAHOOOO! We met my mom at Slide Rock for a bit of the ol' swimming and cliff jumping! The water was freezing but utmost refreshing, thanks Oak Creek! 
   After our squander in the water we resumed climbing only to hit the worst part of climbing of the day from elevation 6,000 ft. to elevation 7,000 ft. Switchback after switchback to strode up the mountain at a pace that ants could beat (not really though, its just been a lot of climbing lately so our legs were quite tired). We fought our way to the top to a beautiful scenic view where we happened to make acquaintances with a few good people.
   Rick and Stan had been following us since Gerome! They kept passing us, then we kept passing them, and so on and so forth until we both ended up at the scenic view at the same time! They made comments to us about how they were amazed how we kept on passing them along the way! Both Rick and Stan were glad to  hear about our journey and why we were doing it. We bid them farewell on their tour of Arizona!
   The next two people were both bikers who were on their way down the mountain! Stephanie and Jimmy chatted with us for a good time only to be offered by them, our first in house sleep area! Too bad by the time they were done with their ride, we were already crashing and wanted a place to sleep and shower in the instant haha. So we made our way to the KOA of Flagstaff... DON'T COME HERE! They attempted friendly, but they really are not. Stephanie, we should have just waited for your accommodations! We thank you generously anyhoo and hope that you and Jimmy both spread the word about our journey! Keep Flagstaff cool!
   That just about does it for the day... Great day in general, about 41 miles biked mostly uphill! Thanks a bunch to all our readers, especially those in Germany and the UK! Also the other countries that seem to randomly check up on us! Not to neglect all those readers here in the United States! Everyone keep following and reading our blog! Spread the word, post it on your facebook, tweet it, google plus it, MYSPACE IT! Thanks a bajillion ya'll!

Quote of the week. "I don't want to expose my delicate undercarriage to the black abyss"
Nate on using pit toilets.
 Elliot We are sorry
 Sick Back flip
 Not Slidin at Slide Rock
 Joey not jumping into water only rocks
 The muscle splash
 Chillin bros catchin them rays
 Kate goin for it
Matt doin the Pig Pen and Joey hippin it
 Red Rock State Park (Look at that contrast)
Clouds are real


1 comment:

  1. It was such a pleasure to meet the team! Our hats off to you all and we will do our little part to help get the word out of this marvelous quest. More to post hopefully tonight with some pix I took from long range. God Bless - Ric
