Friday, June 1, 2012

HI – this is Joey’s Mom, Kate. Kelly (my niece) and I left Chicago to drive across the country to meet Joey in Oceanside California. We had two goals for this trip: the first - to get there safely, the second – find as many interesting postcards as we could! The vehicle was packed so full we were unable to utilize the rear view mirror but that certainly did not prevent us from making it to the west coast in two and a half days, we actually beat the train there. Through the eyes of Kelly I have realized that once I have a destination in mind I drive myself like crazy until I get there and in this situation we were literally driving. It is this determination and commitment to a cause that has trickled down to Joey. After having a delicious lunch we had decided to walk the beach, it was during this walk that my pride in Joey began to swell like the waves of the ocean. We had stopped for a photo opportunity of 4 kids buried in the sand with only their heads poking up and this is where we met “God’s Pockets”! One of the kids mothers stopped to ask us what we found interesting in kids buried in the sand, and once we spoke she knew we weren’t from California. She asked us where we were from, and this is when Joey pulled her into his adventure by telling his story. After listening to Joey for a few minutes, as he described to her the whys and wheres of his trip she reached into her bikini top and pulled out a $20. She smiled and said “I have rheumatoid arthritis too”. The young and beautiful golden haired women who never did tell us her name, but did let us know that pulling cash from a swimsuit top was utilizing “God’s Pockets” was my first witness to the reality of what Joey intends to do on his journey. Joey and his crew will be tugging at hearts and educating everyone they can on this bike trip. Yesterday (Thursday) after we had hiked up a mountain and then back down we met two young men who were gearing up for a bike ride up the same treacherous mountain we had just tackled by foot. Immediately Joey introduced himself and began telling his story and why he was in California – after hearing his story one of the men stated “I was just diagnosed with arthritis” another affirmation that arthritis impacts 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.
Arthritis certainly has impacted my son’s life and has often restricted his choices, but in many ways I see it has been a positive impact. Joey doesn’t let arthritis bring him down, instead it lifts him up. Life is an adventure, and it is up to us to make it beautiful and that is exactly what I see my son Joey doing.
Cousin Kelly
Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will be able to treat life as art.
-Maya Angelou

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